Interactive digital mapping

MapStudio - An online interactive digital maps tool for buildings

In the age of Google Maps and street navigation applications, it is unacceptable from a user experience point of view to loose direction in big complex buildings. NEARMOTION’s MapStudio gives hospitals, airports, shopping malls and universities the tools to make exactly that kind of map to be used for indoor navigation. Using its intuitive easy to work with interface, you can rapidly create interactive 2D and 3D digital indoor floor maps version of your property or workspace, define points of interest, and connect them with the right routes.

It’s as if a picture is worth a thousand words… well, when you can make an interactive floor map of your building.

It doesn’t matter if you are an architect or an inspection firm, MapStudio will help you visualize your site in a way that helps you make better decisions. It will also allow you to offer your visitors or customers with a great customer experience that save them time by guiding them toward their desired destination. But that is not all! With MapStudio, your customers can now:

  • Save their card parking location and navigate back to it
  • Share their location with friends and family
  • Receive offers from their favorite brands and activities based on their location

As a building manager your will have access to manage all these features and get the reports and analytics of the customers behavior which will help you take the right decisions.

The Go Live process is simple:

  • Create an account
  • Add your floor plan file
  • Define points of interest & routes
  • Add any hardware you are using for accurate positioning
  • Install our SDKs in your own application and you are ready to go!

Start now! Get in touch, and we will work closely with you to transform your venue into an interactive venue that welcome, guide, and reward visitors.

Interactive digital mapping
nteractive digital mapping

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